Make Your Own Diy Insect Light Trap: Easy and Affordable

Hello Everyone, Insects are a vital part of the ecosystem, but they can be quite a nuisance, especially when they invade our homes. Insects like mosquitoes, flies, and moths can be quite irritating, and they can cause diseases or damage our properties. One way to keep these insects under control is by using insect light traps. These devices attract insects using ultraviolet light and trap them inside the device, preventing them from flying around your home.

Insect light traps are available in different sizes and types, but they can be quite expensive. However, you can make your own DIY insect light trap using simple materials and tools. In this article, we will discuss how to make a DIY insect light trap.

How to Make a Diy Insect Light Trap?

Materials needed:

  • A plastic container with a lid
  • A UV light bulb
  • Electric wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Electrical tape
  • Cardboard or black paper
  • Glue or tape
  • Cutting tool (scissors or knife)
  • Insect attractant (optional)

Step 1: Prepare the container The first step is to prepare the plastic container. Choose a container with a lid that is large enough to hold the UV light bulb. Clean the container thoroughly and dry it before use.

Step 2: Cut a hole in the lid Using a cutting tool like scissors or a knife, cut a hole in the center of the container’s lid. The hole should be large enough to fit the UV light bulb.

Step 3: Install the UV light bulb Insert the UV light bulb into the hole you just created. Make sure the bulb fits snugly into the hole. If it’s too loose, you can use electrical tape to secure it in place.

Step 4: Wiring Next, you need to wire the UV light bulb to the power source. Cut a length of electric wire, strip the ends, and attach them to the terminals of the UV light bulb.

Step 5: Prepare the cardboard or black paper The next step is to prepare the cardboard or black paper. Cut a strip of cardboard or black paper to fit around the inside of the container. The strip should be tall enough to cover the sides of the container, leaving only the UV light bulb visible. You can use glue or tape to attach the strip to the inside of the container.

Step 6: Add insect attractant (optional) To make your DIY insect light trap more effective, you can add an insect attractant. Some insects are attracted to certain scents, so you can add a piece of fruit or a few drops of honey to the bottom of the container to attract them.

Step 7: Close the lid and turn on the light Finally, close the lid of the container and turn on the UV light bulb. Place the DIY insect light trap in an area where insects are likely to be found. The insects will be attracted to the UV light and will fly toward it. Once they enter the container, they will be trapped inside and won’t be able to escape.

Best Insect Trap To Buy:- DynaTrap Ultralight Insect and Mosquito Trap Review

How to use your diy insect light trap?

Using your DIY insect light trap is a straightforward process. Once you have assembled the trap, find a suitable location where flying insects are likely to be found, such as near a window or door. Place the trap in the chosen spot and turn on the light. The ultraviolet light will attract the insects, and they will fly towards the trap, getting stuck to the sticky surface or falling into the container.

It’s important to clean the trap regularly to ensure it continues to work effectively. Simply remove the dead insects and dispose of them, then wipe the trap clean. With consistent use, your DIY insect light trap can help keep your home free of pesky flying insects.


1) What is an insect light trap?

Ans – An insect light trap is a device that attracts and traps flying insects using ultraviolet light.

2) Why should I make a DIY insect light trap?

Ans – Making a DIY insect light trap is a cost-effective and easy way to keep your home free of flying insects.

3) What materials do I need to make a DIY insect light trap?

Ans – You will need a plastic container with a lid, a UV light bulb, electric wire, wire cutters, electrical tape, cardboard or black paper, glue or tape, and optionally, an insect attractant.

4) How do I make a DIY insect light trap?

Ans – To make a DIY insect light trap, you need to cut a hole in the container’s lid, install the UV light bulb, wire it to the power source, prepare the cardboard or black paper, add an insect attractant (optional), close the lid, and turn on the light.

5) Where should I place the DIY insect light trap?

Ans – Place the DIY insect light trap in an area where insects are likely to be found, such as near a door or window.

6) Can the DIY insect light trap harm pets?

Ans – The UV light emitted by the DIY insect light trap can be harmful to some pets like birds and reptiles. Keep them away from the trap.

Must Read:-


In conclusion, making a DIY insect light trap is an easy and affordable way to keep insects under control. With a few simple materials and tools, you can make your own insect light trap and keep your home insect-free. Remember to clean the trap regularly to prevent a buildup of dead insects and to ensure that it continues to work effectively.

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