The Truth About Dynatrap: Does It Work for Effective Insect Control?

Dynatrap is a brand of insect traps that are designed to attract and kill flying insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and other flying pests. The traps use a combination of UV light, carbon dioxide, and a patented TiO2 (titanium dioxide) coated surface to attract insects, which are then trapped and killed.

But does Dynatrap really work? In this article, we will take a closer look at how Dynatrap works and the evidence supporting its effectiveness.

How Dynatrap works?

does the dynatrap really work

Dynatrap uses a three-stage process to trap and kill flying insects:

  • UV light: The trap emits a warm UV light that attracts insects. Mosquitoes, for example, are attracted to UV light because it mimics the light spectrum of a human being.
  • Carbon dioxide: The trap also emits a small amount of carbon dioxide, which is the same gas that humans exhale. Mosquitoes, in particular, are attracted to carbon dioxide because they use it to locate their hosts.
  • TiO2-coated surface: The trap has a TiO2-coated surface that produces a small amount of carbon dioxide when exposed to the UV light. This combination of UV light and TiO2 creates a reaction that produces small amounts of carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes and other flying insects.

Once the insects are attracted to the trap, they are then trapped and killed by a fan that pulls them into a collection basket. The trap is designed to be used both indoors and outdoors and can cover an area of up to one acre.

If you are planning to buy the mosquito trap then you should read this review:- DynaTrap DT1050-TUNSR Mosquito & Insect Trap Review

Evidence supporting the effectiveness of Dynatrap

There have been several studies conducted on the effectiveness of Dynatrap in controlling mosquito populations. One study conducted in Florida found that a Dynatrap was effective in reducing the number of mosquitoes by up to 90% in an outdoor residential area.

Another study conducted in Texas found that a Dynatrap was effective in reducing the number of mosquitoes in a small residential backyard. The study found that the trap reduced the number of mosquitoes by up to 70%.

There have also been several studies conducted on the effectiveness of Dynatrap in controlling other flying insects such as flies. One study conducted in Pennsylvania found that a Dynatrap was effective in reducing the number of flies in a commercial kitchen by up to 70%.

Overall, the evidence suggests that Dynatrap is effective in reducing the number of flying insects in both indoor and outdoor environments.


1) Does Dynatrap really work?

Ans – Yes, there have been several studies conducted on the effectiveness of Dynatrap in controlling mosquito and fly populations. The evidence suggests that Dynatrap is effective in reducing the number of flying insects in both indoor and outdoor environments.

2) Is Dynatrap safe for humans and pets?

Ans – Yes, Dynatrap is safe for humans and pets. It uses a non-toxic method to trap and kill insects, unlike other methods such as insecticides that can be harmful to both humans and pets.

3) How long does Dynatrap last?

Ans – The lifespan of a Dynatrap varies depending on the model and usage. However, most models come with a one-year warranty, and the traps are designed to last several years with proper care and maintenance.

4) Can Dynatrap be used both indoors and outdoors?

Ans – Yes, Dynatrap is designed to be used both indoors and outdoors and can cover an area of up to one acre.

5) Does Dynatrap require any maintenance?

Ans – Yes, Dynatrap requires regular maintenance such as cleaning the collection basket and replacing the UV light bulb and TiO2-coated surface. The frequency of maintenance depends on usage and environmental conditions.

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Dynatrap is a brand of insect traps that uses a combination of UV light, carbon dioxide, and a TiO2-coated surface to attract and kill flying insects. The evidence suggests that Dynatrap is effective in reducing the number of mosquitoes and other flying insects in both indoor and outdoor environments.

If you are looking for an effective way to control flying insects, Dynatrap may be a good option to consider. However, it is important to note that no insect trap is 100% effective, and it is important to use other mosquito control methods such as wearing protective clothing, using insect repellent, and eliminating standing water to reduce mosquito populations.

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